At least one more bit of post-election gloating this week. In the Palm Beach Post we found this story which we relate in our own words:
It seems that, like General Custer, Katherine Harris, everyone's favorite vote shredding former Florida Secretary of State and U.S. Senate hopeful, had no inkling of defeat until the very end. Harris claimed that, despite loosing to Bill Nelson by 25% of the vote, it never occurred to her that she would be trounced. Having failed to follow through on her threat to spend as much as 10 million dollars of her own money to win the seat, (she, in fact, spent none), Harris complained that a lack of money and a liberal media kept her from getting her message across.
Still, she is quoted in the paper as saying she had no regrets. "I really believe that this was exactly where I was supposed to be and what I was supposed to do."
If she means loosing, then this blogger says: AMEN to that, sister. AMEN.
PS- If you really want a close look back at this hag (and want to know one reason why I don't return to my native state of Florida, despite my abiding love of Alligators, Oranges, and Scrub Land) read Harris's Bio on Wikipedia. Warning: it's as long as your arm with more twists than a corkscrew.
looks like you typed the link wrong for the bio. Sorry honey.
It's fixed now. Thanks.
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