Forgive me for stating the obvious, but was last night’s State of the Union Address a crock of crap or what?
We have heard from the media all about his "plea for unity" but you didn’t have to listen very far into the president’s speech to hear the message he was
really sending- about 2 minutes and 57 seconds to be exact. A nice, subtle "up yours" to the good folks across the asile.
If you READ
New York Times transcript, the President says:
We enter the year 2007 with large endeavors under way and others that are ours to begin. In all of this, much is asked of us. We must have the will to face difficult challenges and determined enemies, and the wisdom to face them together.
Some in this chamber are new to the House and the Senate, and I congratulate the Democratic majority.
But if you LISTEN to the NPR recording, (there is a link on
this page the President says:
We enter the year 2007 with large endeavors under way and others that are ours to begin. In all of this, much is asked of us. We must have the will to face difficult challenges and determined enemies, and the wisdom to face them together.
Some in this chamber are new to the House and the Senate, and I congratulate the Democrat majority.
i agree with you completely. does anyone else see that this president, after five years of rule is trying to just get the hell out of the smoking ruins that he has created? is everyone so stupid that they don't see that he has robbed the bank and now runs for cover. i can't believe that cheney is still in town. i would have put money on the fact that he would be living on the isle of wright(sp) by now. does anybody know where rummy lives now?
No...and no one will find out either. You're right, he's taken the money and run.
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