I have an email pen-pal who is very conservative. When challenged (on almost anything political), he almost inevitably responds with a jab toward the "Rad-Libs" (Radical Liberals- a group which seems to include everyone from Jane Fonda to the Clintons to Lee Iacocca and perhaps even including Republican Pete Domenici). In general, the refrain from the right reads as follows: "Well, perhaps you Rad-Libs will realize how wrong you are when Al-Qaida has blown up Boston. You just don't seem to get it: everything you say is helping the terrorists."

There is news today that will fuel the fires of the debate. The AP is reporting that: "A new threat assessment from U.S. counter-terrorism analysts says that Al-Qaida has used its safe haven along the Afghan-Pakistan border to restore its operating capabilities to a level unseen since the months before Sept. 11, 2001."
Conservatives will use this report to say: "See? We told you so."
But the real question is: "George W. Bush has had SIX YEARS to deal with this very real threat. During FIVE of those years HIS PARTY held control of both houses of Congress. What the Hell is he Doing? Why is Al-Qaida STRONGER THAN EVER?"
The answer is, of course, that this President is either Inept, or Corrupt, or, most probably, both.
George W. Bush and his administration had the support of the Congress, the People of the United States and most of the World to send our military into Afghanistan, and demolish Al-Qaida once and for all.
Instead, they chose to use their opportunity to invade Iraq and attempt to secure it's oil supply for the United States. At the time of the United States action against Iraq, there was no Al-Quada presence in Iraq. But now, according to the reports:
The Bush administration has repeatedly cited Al-Qaida as a key justification for continuing the fight in Iraq.
"The No. 1 enemy in Iraq is al-Qaida," White House press secretary Tony Snow said Wednesday. "Al-Qaida continues to be the chief organizer of mayhem within Iraq."
In other words, we sent our troops to Iraq to fight an enemy that was not there when we arrived but who managed to get in AFTER we entered. Meanwhile, Bush has allowed Al-Qaida's forces to dribble across the boarder into Pakistan, where we have no political authority to pursue them.
The Clinton Card
Right-wing friends will, at this point, offer up their old Chestnut: Clinton Had Al-Qaida's Osama Bin Laden in his sights and failed to kill him.
Like a lot of propaganda, this is a distortion of the facts wrapped around a tiny nugget of truth. The Clinton White House did have Osama Bin Laden in their sights and did fail to act. MSNBC had the story here in 2004.
Yes, Clinton DID miss an opportunity, no doubt. It will be yet another imperfect spot on his imperfect record.*
However, just because Bill Clinton screwed up- this is no excuse to let George W. Bush off the hook.
As your mother used to say to you: "If Bill Clinton Jumped off the World Trade Center, would you do it too?"
What Now?
The AP article also includes this speculation:
The findings could bolster the president's hand at a moment when support on Capitol Hill for the war is eroding and the administration is struggling to defend its decision for a military buildup in Iraq.
WHY? Why, every time this President Screws up, are the media and the right-wing noise machine able to drum up the argument that, because he has been so horribly wrong for so horribly long, that we need to give him MORE support?
But enough about Bush. This is what Democrats must do:
My right-wing friend is right about one thing: THERE IS A GRAVE ISLAMIC TERRORIST THREAT TO THE UNITED STATES.
This threat must be countered.
In the short term, we need to consolidate our military operations, and refocus the fight on AL-QAIDA...
In the long term, we must, WE MUST refocus our energy policy to find a way to cure ourselves of our oil addiction. As long as we are addicted, militant Islam will be our drug dealer.
That is a plain and simple fact.
And, of course, I'm not going to just sit here and let the "Clinton Chestnut" stand unchallenged. As the MSNBC article points out, when Clinton was hunting Osama Bin Laden in 1998, it was a very different ballgame:
A Democratic member of the 9/11 commission says there was a larger issue: The Clinton administration treated bin Laden as a law enforcement problem.
Bob Kerry, a former senator and current 9/11 commission member, said, “The most important thing the Clinton administration could have done would have been for the president, either himself or by going to Congress, asking for a congressional declaration to declare war on al-Qaida, a military-political organization that had declared war on us.”
In reality, getting bin Laden would have been extraordinarily difficult. He was a moving target deep inside Afghanistan. Most military operations would have been high-risk. What’s more, Clinton was weakened by scandal, and there was no political consensus for bold action, especially with an election weeks away.[emphasis added]
The American Public had not yet solidified their support for an all out war on Al-Qaida in 1998...at that point the largest terrorist attack in American History had not been perpetrated by Islamic Terrorists, but by home-grown right-wing nutballs in Oklahoma. Even the USS Cole attack (in October 2000) was two years in the future.
The situation for Clinton was muddy...and he bungled it.
The situation for Bush was crystal clear...and he screwed it up beyond belief, paying the price with thousands of American Lives.
It is not hard to know where the Lion's Share of the Blame belongs.
From an email from one of my penpals from the right friends:
Let me plug them up then....
You say, and these are your words:
But the real question is: "George W. Bush has had SIX YEARS to deal with this very real threat. During FIVE of those years HIS PARTY held control of both houses of Congress. What the Hell is he Doing? Why is Al-Qaida STRONGER THAN EVER?"
The answer is, of course, that this President is either Inept, or Corrupt, or, most probably, both.
How many attacks on our soil have we had since 9-11 my friend?
What has your newly elected Democrat/Liberal congress done since being elected?
Have they cut gas prices as promised?
Have they lowered taxes on the American populace?
Will our young men and women be safer if they succeed in cutting funding?
How many more will die because of that brilliant move?
Have they actually done anything other than stick their hands out for "their hands out for their cut of the American Pie"?
Is there now more or less graft, corruption, and greed than under the GOP regime....whom I think needed to be ousted because they failed to do the job elected to do.
"George W. Bush and his administration had the support of the Congress, the People of the United States and most of the World to send our military into Afghanistan, and demolish Al-Qaida once and for all.
Instead, they chose to use their opportunity to invade Iraq and attempt to secure it's oil supply for the United States. At the time of the United States action against Iraq, there was no Al-Quada presence in Iraq. But now, according to the reports:
The Bush administration has repeatedly cited Al-Qaida as a key justification for continuing the fight in Iraq.
[From the AP]"The No. 1 enemy in Iraq is al-Qaida," White House press secretary Tony Snow said Wednesday. "Al-Qaida continues to be the chief organizer of mayhem within Iraq."
"In other words, we sent our troops to Iraq to fight an enemy that was not there when we arrived but who managed to get in AFTER we entered. Meanwhile, Bush has allowed Al-Qaida's forces to dribble across the boarder into Pakistan, where we have no political authority to pursue them."
Do you really believe that the Iranian funded Al-Qaida insurgents were not already in Iraq before we arrived? And please inform us how we can secure Pakistan's borders from the A-Q? Maybe we can use Ted Kennedy's American Border ideas there, since they were so widely received by even his own party here.
The Clinton Card
Right-wing friends will, at this point, offer up their old Chestnut: Clinton Had Al-Qaida in his sights and failed to kill him.
Al-Qaida is an organization. I think you meant to say Bin Laden. And had Slick Willy not been so busy having Monica and every other $3 whore licking his weenie, he might have done a better job at defending our country.
And this might surprise you, but I agree with Mr. Wade on the draft. I too believe there should be one, and I'd like nothing better than to see Harry Reid's kids/grandkids and Nancy Pelosi's fair-haired mavens right at the top of the list.
Along with every other liberal.
Have a great weekend.
Okay the easy stuff first:
Thanks for catching my Al-Qaida/Bin Laden typo.
I too believe there should be a draft- and that there should be no loopholes for the wealthy or privileged.
You ask me: "Do you really believe that the Iranian funded Al-Qaida insurgents were not already in Iraq before we arrived?"
If they were, they were laying low enough to crawl under a snake's belly.
Saddam Hussein was a murderer, a bastard, and an all around bad man. But I'll say one thing for him: He FREAKING HATED Islamic Fundamentalists...or Maybe you don't remember that the Great Ronald Reagan sent lots and lots of weapons to Saddam so that he could kill the armies of Ayatollah Khomeini?
Since Saddam was pretty good at killing people, and since he allowed very few of his government buildings to be blown up...I'd have to say...yes, I do think that Bin Laden's thugs were scarcer than hen's teeth in Iraq until Bush let them in.
If Bush wanted to kill Saddam, he should have WAXED Osama FIRST and THEN gone after the tin-pot dictator in Iraq.
How many attacks on our soil have we had since 9-11 my friend?
One was enough. If Bush, having failed to prevent the first one, allowed a second, he would have been impeached...for a hell of a lot better reason that Clinton was.
I'm not going to give him credit for doing the bare minimum.
What has your newly elected Democrat/Liberal congress done since being elected?
Well...let's see, they've been working on bringing the troops home and getting the management of this war out of the hands of the Imbecile In Chief.
Oh, and they've held a lot of hearings...in fact, each day we find out more and more that the Bush administration tried to keep hushed up. There's the lost Iraq money, corruption at the GSA, the Scooter Libby Debacle, the travesty of Justice at the Justice Department...and they've been on the job for only Six Months! Hell...give 'em a little time and they might even get Karl Rove's ass in jail where it belongs.
Have they cut gas prices as promised? No, they haven't. I'll write to my Congressman this afternoon. Of course, what I'd rather they do is begin to chart a course by which we can wean ourselves off expendable fuel...
Have they lowered taxes on the American populace?
They DAMN WELL BETTER NOT Lower taxes...we are already in debt up too our eyes because of Reagan's tax cuts for the rich in the 1980s.
I voted Democratic because I was tired of Republicans going to the trough for their wealthy friends...it's time to make our government strong again...for one thing, we've got terrorists to catch.
Will our young men and women be safer if they succeed in cutting funding?
No, not if we cut funding...they will be safer if we succeed in getting them out of Iraq. It's not the Congress who is putting those troops in harms way. It is Bush. If Bush is denied the money to keep them safe...he MUST BRING THEM HOME...if he is stubborn, and ignores the demands of the representatives that the people elected...then their blood is on BUSH's HANDS...not that of Congress...We the People of No Other Way to make Bush change his mind and bring our troops home...this is called the Power of the Purse...like it or hate it, my friend, THAT is Democracy...
How many more will die because of that brilliant move?
See Above: If the American People (through their elected Congress) say "No" and Bush says "Yes"...the blame for disaster belongs to Bush. This is not a Kingdom, my friend, it's a Republic.
Something Republicans seem to forget.
For more on the Power of the Purse, I suggest you look deep into our history, back at the English Civil War...you will see how Parliament used this power to curtail the tyranny of a king.
Our Founding Fathers learned from their founding fathers- perhaps we can learn, again, too.
Now, From the Left, a shot at my corrispondent from the right
You Wrote
How many attacks on our soil have we had since 9-11 my friend?
What has your newly elected Democrat/Liberal congress done since being elected?Â
• Have they cut gas prices as promised?Â
• Have they lowered taxes on the American populace?Â
• Will our young men and women be safer if they succeed in cutting funding?Â
• How many more will die because of that brilliant move?
• Have they actually done anything other than stick their hands out for "their hands out for their cut of the American Pie"?
• Is there now more or less graft, corruption, and greed than under the GOP regime....whom I think needed to be ousted because they failed to do the job elected to do.
Just for fun, let's examine these questions/comments. The "how many attacks on American soil" question is sort of a classic, for this reason: if the answer is "lots," then that proves that Bush and his paranoid friends were right, we ought to abandon democracy in exchange for 'safety', and get tougher. If the answer is "none," then that proves that Bush and his paranoid friends were right and are now "keeping us safe." It's a false question. Next, the "Democrat/liberal" congress... well, most of the newly-elected Democrats are not "liberals," which you would know if you actually examined their records. And since the Democrats have been gutless and the Republicans corrupt and without respect for the rules of Democracy, the half-assed majority doesn't mean much. The Democratic Party does not have the votes to override any vetoes, nor the integrity to refuse Bush his blood money. Have they "cut gas prices"? Perhaps you don't understand how this works. Congress does not set gas prices. Corporate rapists like Chevron and Exxon Mobil do. Gas prices have nothing to do with the Congress except insofar as a real congress would nail those GOP-supporting corporate gangsters who make record profits on them. The "lowered taxes" question is another joke. Bush's phony war has destroyed a record surplus and caused the taxpayer to foot the bill for billions in interest payments to the banks. This is a fact, folks, and you can't squirm out of it by claiming it's all Clinton's fault. This is Bush's war. He planned it (before 9-11), he lied us into it, and now we're paying for it; well, our children and their children will pay for it. Interest on the national debt is record-breaking, and it's also breaking everything else we need as a decent society, including education for children, infrastructure, R&D for anything non-military, and health care. Who profits? The banks. Who do the bankers support? Bush and his boys. A lot of dead American soldiers to pay the price. And no money for the Veterans Administration from Bush, who proves thereby that he does not support the troops. He fired the generals who disagreed with him. That leaves the 'corruption' story/question, and once again it's a two-party deal, but in recent years it's clearly the GOP which wins the crooked derby... more liars and phonies and rip-offs than the Democrats by a mile. Hope this helps you re-focus on reality.
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