Here is a sobering link I found over atGreen Mountain Daily, posted by Jack McCullough.
Go to http://www.globalrichlist.com/; choose your national currency on the drop down list; round off your annual salary to the nearest dollar; watch as the calculator tells you how wealthy you are compared to the rest of the world's population.
As with anything, you must take these figures with a grain of salt, still, in the most GENERAL terms, I believe them to be fairly accurate.
The only thing is, I'm not sure if this makes me feel better...or worse.
If you haven't seen it yet, check out Russell's post today:
It's pretty weird and funny, and, well, just plain odd.
Also, old friend Heather gives it to me on HER blog today. Not quite sure what I did to deserve that...well, okay, I know.
Well, well, well. You call me (www.nycstories.org) a subversive Christmas hater trying to change the status quo, but here you are in all your Republican finery, showing off just how ultra rich you are. Why don't you and your wife-to-be put on all your diamonds and furs and get your limo to drive you through the poor sections of town to "experience" what it's like to live in poverty. Maybe you can even get out of the car and play at milking a cow into a silver bucket, Miss Antoinette.
And we will be eating Roast Penguin!
Incidenly, if you haven't seen the subversive filth these people are pushing out...go RIGHT NOW and check it out...
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