It was without apparent irony (in fact, it was probably without intention at all, it was probably simply done by a computerized aggregator) that the following two headlines appeared back-to-back on My Yahoo homepage this morning:
Punxsutawney Phil predicts early spring
Global warming man-made, will continue
Now God knows, I'm not the guy to be overly preachy about this...I drove my own car to work yesterday rather than get up twenty minutes early so I could walk....but still...
Thank you....I purposely wore a bow tie today so that, if it all went south, at least I'd look FUNNY! Therefore, anything I said would get a laugh!
I will try to get back to blogging SOON!
In the meantime, here's a very funny quote from Conoleezza Rice about Hugo Chavez:"I believe there is an assault on democracy in Venezuela and I believe that there are significant human rights issues in Venezuela,"
American Secretaries of State used to carry so much more weight when they fired off that kind of bombshell, didn't they?
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said on Wednesday she believed Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was destroying his country economically and politically.
Hey, Staten Island Chuck predicted an early spring. Stupid Pennsylvania groundhog copycats. I mean really, Gobbler's Knob, what the hell kind of name for a place is that? Sounds like some kind of hick-town gay bar!
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