"Ah Come on... She's an ex-beauty queen besides. And an avid hunter. Member of the NRA. Her husband is some kind of fishing guide, and works on an oil rig in the off season. He races snowmobiles. It's not just about Hillary's supporters--they're going after the GUY vote. The McCain people will probably put out scratch lottery tickets as a fundraising gimick--Swimsuit editions."
This echos the sentiments over at Politico, where they point out that, while the "media elite" mock Palin's lack of experience, she has energized both the gun totin' and abortion blockin' segments of the GOP base- previously lukewarm to McCain:
"Most importantly for McCain, the two constituencies who are most energized by Palin just happen to be the twin grassroots pillars of the GOP: anti-abortion activists and pro-Second Amendment enthusiasts and sportsmen. Without these two camps making phone calls, stuffing envelopes and knocking on doors, Republican presidential candidates would severely lack for volunteers. They are critical to the health of the conservative coalition that has dominated Republican politics for a generation."
JD Ryan tosses out the observation that "we have our first MILF candidate" - if you don't know what that means, look it up for yourself, I'm not the one to tell you.
The topic has engendered an interesting discussion as well. I watched Sarah Palin's introductory speech- and my ears perked up when she praised SENATOR Hillary Rodam Clinton for putting "18 million" cracks in the glass ceiling...
...I did a double take (when a Republican praises Hillary Clinton, who, up until about 12 months ago was the monster witch of the GOP world- you just KNOW they are up to something slippery)...and saw that this Sarah Palin character was a pretty good stink bomb after all.
The temptation to score cheap points off the "other side" is very hard to resist. In this world where intelligent discourse has all but evaporated- a quick one-liner that makes your opponent look contemptible in 30 seconds or less is tough to pass up.
Many of us (males) WILL be unable to resist the temptation of VPILF comments- it's just too damn EASY- many women will spend time taking down males who make those comments...and All that Time spent on the debate over inappropriate humor will take time AWAY from McSame Bashing- which is more important.
On a related note, Sarah Palin's background is going to lead to some interesting stuff as well...tough for Democrats to resist, but which should be resisted, because of the battleground states we HAVE to win.
This is "working class" issue. Democrats sincerely have the best interest of the working class at heart, but we are often uncomfortable with the appearance, attitudes and pastimes of the working class (one might venture to guess that, as we gained the education that informs our opinions, we also soaked up a little, hummm, snobbery?)
At any rate, this picture appeared on Politco. It shows a college-age Palin wearing a very slightly risque t-shirt.

Here is another area where it's REALLY tempting to have cheap fun. The big 80s hair, the stupid t-shirt (It reads "I may be broke, but I'm not flat busted"), and just the general red-neck fantasia feeling of the photo make it all but irresistible for a certain type of Democrat. Red Meat, as it were, for Blue America... My message to all: RESIST!
Here is an interesting quote- I certainly wouldn't have thought of it myself- but it gives me pause-
Isn't that photo a good thing?
That's a real person. A girl next door who decided she's had enough and decided to get involved.
And now look at her. From that photo to this time: She took on her own party and big oil and now she could be the next VP of the United States of America.
Gee, isn't America great!
What's wrong with that photo? Nothing! She should be an inspiration for all regular people to get involved and you never know what's going to happen if you stay true to your convictions.
Staying true to your convictions doesn't mean you have to be a hardened politician. Look at her then and look at her now...she a testament to what can happen to you if you just get involved.
mike t.
This quote was buried in the midst of a heap of derogatory comments. But it is a useful to remember that many Americans will not look at this picture and see trailer trash...lot of voters will look at that photo and see somebody they know...themselves. These are exactly the people whose votes we need.
Interesting, interesting election.
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